Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Again with the Walking

We here at the HappiTraveler blog, me and The Dining Companion that is, did something at the end of last year that I haven't talked about yet in this space. We competed in a 5K. Ok, competed might be too strong a word, participated is right I think.

It was a few years back, on one of our longer walks, that I said "Hey, you know what?" (cause I'm eloquent like that)"I think we just walked a 5K." Indeed we had walked a 5K. We've actually done it often, walked that distance and more.

It took awhile but the idea took hold that, wait a minute, we should walk in a REAL 5K. You know, an organized one. We talked about it and thought about it but never acted on it. Until last Thanksgiving. We were driving around town and noticed a billboard advertising a Thanksgiving 5K. "Hey" I said again, all eloquent like, "We should totally do that." And we did.

We registered that day. Before we knew it, it was time to pick-up our race day packets.

Thanksgiving morning found us lined up, shoulder to shoulder, with about 1000 or more liked minded 5K'ers. We set off, doing the starting line shuffle I was warned about. But, in a few short blocks the crowd thinned out and we were on our way. Keep in mind, we were walking this race. Even so, we kept a nice pace and didn't come in last. Which wouldn't have been a big deal because we were just having so much fun.

You know the saying been there, done that, got the tee shirt? Well we were and we did! What a blast.

After the event was over we headed to a local restaurant for brunch. To give thanks for all of our blessings, the delicious white chocolate bread pudding I was about to eat and the most fun we've had with a huge crowd in a long time.

Happy walking!

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