All I know about Brazilian food I learned from a waiter at Fogo de Chao. Well, mostly. It was on his advice that the Dining Companion and I sought out our first Brazilian restaurant that wasn’t a churrascaria.
Poking around the local dining scene, the Dining Companion found that there are a few Brazilian restaurants in the area. Armed with that knowledge we set out to try a couple. The
Brazilian Bakery Café was first up.
We were there early on a weekend morning. It wasn’t overly busy which
was great for me. I was able to ask about some of the delicious looking
things on offer without holding up a line. The guy behind the counter
was very helpful. (I wish I had his name)
We looked over the options in the cases and chose a few things to try.(
Coxinha are deep fried drumstick shaped fritters filled with chicken |
We had one of the split pastries above. Filled with vanilla cream. |
So many things to try! |
There were cakes as well and flan |
We ended up with a coxinha, a small shrimp pie and a ham and cheese
pastry called an Americano. The coxinha we’d had before but the other
two were new to us. We enjoyed all of the things that we tried.
Clockwise from top: Ham and Cheese pastry, coxinha and a shrimp empadinha |
I did end up getting a sweet pastry as well. It was so good that it didn't last long enough to get its picture taken.
I asked about the feijoada and found out that we were there too early. We’ll be back for it another day. From what I can tell most of the local Brazilian places serve it on Saturday. Brazilian Bakery Cafe has it both Wednesday and Saturday.
The cafe also offers different soups and salads daily and bacalhoada on Fridays. Bacalhoada is a dish that consists of salt cod, onions and potatoes. There are sandwiches too. A little something for everyone. Judging by the steady stream of people coming in and out while we were there it's a popular weekend stop.
Chocolate Easter Eggs |
I saw several foil wrapped packages hanging here and there in the bakery. I asked about them and was told that they're chocolate Easter eggs, a tradition in Brazil. They each have a hollow space inside that can be filled with a small toy or something. I'm sorry I didn't get one.
Sitting in the café was what I imagine being on vacation in Brazil would be like. Everyone it seems, but the Dining Companion and me, were speaking Portuguese. It's the kind of thing that can transport you right out of your everyday and into something new. We love that.
There are a couple of other places that we're going to try. One of them is a buffet place and the other appears to be a market with a place to eat attached. They both look interesting.
Stay tuned, the Brazilian food adventure is just beginning.
Happy dining!